How to deal

All kids are will feel terrible if they know there is violence or abuse in their family, even if it’s not physical, and even if it’s not happening directly to them.

You're not alone

Sadly, a lot of kids have seen abuse happen in their family. Sometimes it helps to read stories from people who’ve been there and felt what you’re feeling, you can learn about their experiences here including celebrities who experienced family violence when they were growing up.

Speaking to someone who can help with your feelings, like a counsellor or phone service (like Kids Helpline) is the best way to feel better.


No matter how you feel or what’s happening in your family, remember these four facts:

Family violence is not your fault

Listen to people’s stories of childhood experiencing family violence

It’s not okay

Adults have many ways to solve their problems – violence or abuse should never be one of them. You cannot make a person be violent or abusive; how a person chooses to respond is their choice.

You have a right to be safe

Don’t ever get in the middle of a fight, family violence is against the law, it’s dangerous and people can get hurt. The best thing you can do is call someone and keep yourself safe.

Your feelings are normal

It is okay to love the abusive parent but not their behaviour. It’s normal to feel confused and frustrated and a mix of different feelings.

You can’t always control what is happening around you, but you can learn to control yourself and practice the art of becoming a Master of Your Feelings.

The following step by step instructions will help get you started, but just like any other skill, this takes practice, the more you practice the better get at controlling your feelings, your actions and your future.

Training to become a master of your feelings

Look at the gif below and breath in time with it, 20 times.

Family violence is not your fault

Listen to people’s stories of childhood experiencing family violence

It’s not okay

Adults have many ways to solve their problems – violence or abuse should never be one of them. You cannot make a person be violent or abusive; how a person chooses to respond is their choice.

You have a right to be safe

Don’t ever get in the middle of a fight, family violence is against the law, it’s dangerous and people can get hurt. The best thing you can do is call someone and keep yourself safe.

Your feelings are normal

It is okay to love the abusive parent but not their behaviour. It’s normal to feel confused and frustrated and a mix of different feelings.